Saturday, January 29, 2011

Shure V15 III HE ~ 24 Bids & Settled for US$352

another highly sought after Shure V15 III HE and some more NOS - never used

settled for US$352 or S$457 (x1.3 exch)

according to the seller, this cartridge is made back in 1974 in the US. back then i was only 2 years old ;p

i never experience how this cartridge performs but accordingly to friend alex the V15III is much more refine and accurate than cartridge like Shure M95

hope to own this famous cartridge one day ;-)

btw, HE = hyper elliptical

1. Spherical 

2. Elliptical 

3. Shibata, a Line Contact shape. 

4. Hyper Elliptical, a Line Contact shape. 

5. SAS (Super Analogue Stylus), a type of Micro Ridge

(the above info and pic sourced from vinvylengine with thks...)

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